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Templates overview

Dynamic templates are a mix of HTML and a programming language which directs how the HTML is displayed. For example, if you have a profile page for your web app users, you would want each of your users to have a page unique to them. To achieve this, you would write only one template and substitute unique aspects of each using template variables, for example:

<div class="profile">
  <h2><%= username %></h2>
  <p><%= bio %></p>

The variables username and bio can be substituted for values unique to each of your users, for example:

use rwf::prelude::*;

let template = Template::from_str(r#"
<div class="profile">
  <h2><%= username %></h2>
  <p><%= bio %></p>

let ctx = context!(
  "username" => "Alice",
  "bio" => "I like turtles"

let html = template.render(&ctx)?;

println!("{}", html);
<div class="profile">
  <p>I like turtles</p>

Templates help reuse HTML (and CSS, JavaScript) just like regular functions and structs help reuse code.

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